The SaltFacial is safe for any skin type and treats fine lines & wrinkles, sun damage, acne & acne scarring, enlarged pores, along with uneven texture & pigmentation. As a non-seasonal procedure, it’s perfect for year round use and many of our patients at Werschler Aesthetics see noticeable results in less than an hour! Schedule once a month for 3 to 4 months for maximum rejuvenation.

What are the saltfacial treatment steps?


Sea Salt Exfoliation

Beginning with microfine sea salt applied to the face and gently exfoliated by the SaltFacial L’avantage microdermabrasion machine, the salts calm and balance the skin, making this a great treatment for acne as well as dullness. The SaltFacial restores your skin’s beauty using one of nature’s most trusted elements – pure, organic sea salt. Positive-pressure flow technology delivers the salt to the skin for uniform resurfacing, with no trauma, or post-treatment redness. Skin looks fresh and glowing!

Unique Benefits of Sea Salt Exfoliation:

  • Deep Cleans Pores

  • Balances oil production

  • Assists skin in moisture retention

SaltFacial Spokane Sea Salt Exfoliation on Patient

Sea Salt Exfoliation

Sea salt helps prevent acne and breakouts while helping retain moisture from within, making the skin fresh and supple.

SaltFacial Spokane Aesthetic Ultrasound on Patient

Aesthetic Ultrasound

Aesthetic Ultrasound increases the absorption of topical products and replenishes thirsty skin at the deepest level with vital nutrients

Step 2: Replenish

Aesthetic Ultrasound

After exfoliation, an ultrasound module is used to stimulate nutrients back into the skin. This step also firms and tightens the skin by encouraging collagen reformation. The SaltFacial uses aesthetic ultrasound to nourish the skin and increase circulation. It replenishes vital nutrients and antioxidants, and enhances results when used with topical treatments (stem cells) helping your skin look fresh for any season.

Unique Benefits of Aesthetic ultrasound:

  • Tightens skin

  • Encourages collagen reformation

  • Replenishes vital nutrients


LED Phototherapy

Finally, Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy can be tailored to your skin type and skin goals. Red light promotes collagen production and blue light assists with inflammation.

Unique Benefits of LED PHOTOTHERAPY:

  • Encourages skin healing

  • Promotes collagen production

  • Provides skin with instant glow and reduced redness

SaltFacial Spokane LED Phototherapy on Patient

LED Phototherapy

Encourage healing, promote collagen production, prevent bacteria growth and more!


What People Are Saying ABout THE SaltFacial


“I was suffering from acne breakouts on my lower face. The SaltFacial restored my complexion, flattened and dried out my acne. I love that the SaltFacial is a facial that’s effective with no downtime! Highly recommend!”

— Ella B.

“The SaltFacial exceeded my expectations! Not only was I able to see a difference right after the treatment, but I got so many compliments after. Angela S. performed the treatment and she was so amazing at explaining all the steps in the process and what products to use after to really benefit from the treatment. Of all the treatments I’ve received at W Aesthetics, the Salt Facial is my absolute favorite!

— Nataleigh C.

  • Dr. Werschler Endorses The SaltFacial

    As early pioneers in the dermatology and cosmetic medical industry, Dr. Werschler and his practice understand the importance of providing the widest range of lasers, devices, and medical-grade skincare for their clients. That is why Dr. Werschler was excited to add The SaltFacial to his medical spa. Here, he explains why he chose The SaltFacial over other technologies and how The SaltFacial has elevated his business.

Customized Treatment plans from industry leading experts

  • Every client that walks through our doors is unique, and that’s why we believe in combination treatment plans that are tailored specifically to each individual. As early pioneers in the dermatology and cosmetic medical industry, we understand the importance of advanced training and education in an ever evolving industry—that’s why we provide the widest range of lasers, devices, body shaping equipment and medical grade skincare around, so our clients can have nothing but the best.

  • To start, we’ll have you schedule an initial consultation to tell us a bit more about yourself, your goals and focus areas of improvement. From there, we’ll build a customized plan consisting of a combination of treatments to maximize your overall outcome and end goals.

  • Combination treatments are more effective than one individual treatment and maximize overall outcomes and benefits.

    Combination treatments are more efficient in terms of time, rather than doing multiple one-off treatments.

    The combination of treatments have a synergistic effect, in that each treatment boosts from one another.